Tag - dp10

Malaysia Relaxes Entry Ban on Expatriates, Professional Visit Pass Holders From 23 Countries

Malaysia on Thursday (Sept 10) announced that it will allow expatriates and professional visit pass holders from 23 countries to enter, reversing a move on Monday (Sept 7) that was criticised by employers.

To curb the spread of Covid-19, Malaysia had announced that people coming from countries with more than 150,000 cases would be blocked from entering.

The enforced entry ban includes those coming in from the United States, Britain, India and Indonesia.

All foreign tourists have been banned from entry since March.


Convid 19 countries list that have more than 150,000 new cases as at 11th September 2020.

But Senior Minister (Security Cluster) Ismail Sabri Yaakob said on Thursday that a special Cabinet committee has decided to slightly relax the regulation that was enforced from Monday.

But these expatriates and professional visit pass-holders must first “obtain approval from the (Malaysian) Immigration Department before they can enter the country”, he said.

“Their application must be accompanied by a supporting letter from the Malaysian Investment Development Authority or related agencies, ” he said.

Employers had complained that the government should continue to allow expats and employment pass holders to come in as their technical skills are needed to help the economy.

In another reversal of the ban that started on Monday, Datuk Seri Ismail said the government has also decided to allow permanent residents, as well as foreign spouses of Malaysian citizens, to enter Malaysia from these 23 countries with high infection rates.

But this group can make only a one-way journey into Malaysia and remain in the country.

Student pass holders from the affected countries will also be allowed into Malaysia.

“All categories mentioned must get approval from Immigration beforehand, ” he said.

The 23 countries are the US, Brazil, India, Russia, Peru, Columbia, South Africa, Mexico, Spain, Argentina, Chile, Iran, Bangladesh, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, France, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Iraq, the Philippines and Indonesia.

Related News: Malaysia MyTravelPass to Help Those Seeking Entry or Exit Permits During Covid-19 Period

News source: Straitstimes

To apply Entry or exit permission, please contact us by filling up the enquiry form below.

MyTravel Pass Enquiry 我的跨境准证查询

Application For MyTravel Pass Enquiry 入境申请准证查询
  • Please tell whether are you apply MyTravel Pass for company staffs / MM2H holders / Foreign workers / Malaysian Spouse / yourself / friends 请让我们知道谁是申请者
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 200.
    How many applications for Professional (DP10) Visa
  • Primary Email Address For Communication.
  • Please stated your / friends / your staffs / your agency workers country origin.
  • If you / your friends are going to receive / have received job offer, please stated your employer company name here.
  • Tell us which industry are you intend to apply Professional (DP10) Visa ?
  • Please write the problem you encountered as much as you can.
  • Note: We have been experiencing high volume of enquiry, hence, we would appreciate you will be patient and provide us the above information to cut down the process of finding on your information and able to suggest you a best solutions. When you click "Submit" button below, you agreed that these information submitted for our internal evaluation only. You are assured the information submitted herewith are personal and confidential and we won't share this information out.

Expatriate Application For People Republic of China (PRC) passport issued in Wuhan city, Hubei Province of China

Dear Valued Clients,

We refer to the latest announcement on Coronavirus outbreak from the Prime Minister Office dated 27th January 2020. The Government of Malaysia has decided to put on hold for all type of entry visas from Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China.


Therefore, all new applications for People Republic of China (PRC) passport issued in Wuhan City/ Hubei province submitted to ESD Online and RP-T Online will not be processed until further notice. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Your kind understanding is highly appreciated.
Thank you.
MYXpats Centre

News source: Expatriate Service Division


New Application Charges For Skilled Expatriate Employment Pass (EP) And Professional Visit Pass (PVP) Effective On 1 June 2019

New Application Charges For Skilled Expatriate Employment Pass (EP) And Professional Visit Pass (PVP) Effective On 1 June 2019

Please be advised that the new charges will be reflected in the following structure:

Spouse / Common Law Spouse
Children below 18 years (Biological/Adopted/Step Child)
Disabled Children (no age limit)

Children above 18 – 25 years (Biological/Adopted/Step Child)

Position Exempted to charges processing fee:
Invited Lecturer, Invited Professor, Visiting Professor & Visitor Lecturer
RM 1,060.00
For rejected applications, MYXpats shall refund 60% of the Application charges subject to Terms & Conditions.

News source: ESD Division



很多外国朋友,包刮中国人在申请马来西亚工作签证通常会遇到很多时候不能明白为什么他们的申请被拒绝以下是最新指南 (更新2018年7月)。


a) 普通外国工人(外劳)工作签证 (temporary pass)
b) 专业技术签证 (professional / employment pass)

注:中国公民在现在只可以专业技术签证 (professional / employment pass)


一、对于不同公司的缴付资本额 (Paid-up capital) 要求

  • 100% 马来西亚公民公司 – 最低马币25万 (RM 250,000)
  • 外国公民(49%) 和马来西亚公民(51%)联营公司 -最低马币35万 (RM 350,000)
  • 100% 外国公民公司-最低马币50 -100万 (RM 500,000 – 1,000,000)

注:100% 外国公民公司最低缴付资本额取决于公司业务范围。



  1. 公司注册 (Form 9, 24 & 49 / Section 14, 17, 58 & 236), 如果公司有转换名字需要Form 13
  2. 必须拥有一间办公室以及一位个人助理
  3. 办公室租赁协议/ 买卖合同协议 ( Office Tenancy Agreement / SPA)
  4. 最新公司电话单 (Telephone bills)
  5. 地方政府当局许可开业执照 – 最新 (PBT/Majilis Licence)
  6. 银行对帐单 – 最新三个月 (Bank statement 3 months)
  7. 年度财务审计报告 – 最新 (Latest Audit Report)
  8. 公司组织系统图 (Company organisation chart)
  9. 公司简介 (Company profile)
  10. 雇用合同 (Employment Contract)
  11. 产品介绍及照片
  12. 其他执照
  13. 相关部门的批准信函复印件
    1. 马来西亚旅游局 / Ministry Tourism Malaysia
    2. 建筑业发展委员会 / Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB)
    3. 马来西亚产业发展部 / (Malaysia Industry Development Authority (MIDA)
    4. 马来西亚贸易、合作及消费部 / Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operative and Consumerism (WRT)
    5. 马来西亚教育部 / Ministry of Education (MOE)
    6. 国际商业及工业部 / Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
    7. 马来西亚国家信息和通信计划(多媒体科技走廊)/ Malaysia National ICT Initiative (MSC)

注:所有服务性行业公司必须申请一份由马来西亚贸易 (KPDNKK) 所发出的批准信函,专业技术签证给每一个不同领域会有个别不同的其他文件要求。请联系我们了解更多。



专业技术签证( CATEGORY 1 ) – 最低马币1万(RM 10,000)

  • 公司董事,股东,管理层人员等等人士申请

专业技术签证( CATEGORY 2 ) – 最低马币五千(RM 5,000)

  • 经理,工程师等等人士申请

半专业技术签证( CATEGORY 3 ) – 最低马币两千五百(RM 2,500)

  • 半熟练工场,建筑工人等等人士申请
  • 需要申请工薪最低马币五千(RM 5,000)豁免批准

专业技术签证CATEGORY 1 & 2 持有人有资格获得申请配偶和18岁以下的子女家属(Dependant Pass) 通行证



大专毕业生 Degree学位持有人 (最低三年工作经验) / Diploma文凭持有人 (最低五年工作经验)

年龄要求:科技信息相关职位 – 24岁以上,其它管理职位 – 27岁以上。



4 张护照尺寸的彩色照片





English version: DP10 Professional Visa FAQ’s


Professional (DP10) Visa Enquiry 专业签证查询

Contact Easymanpower.co for Professional (DP10) Visa Enquiry
  • Please tell whether are you apply Professional (DP10) Visa for company staffs / agency workers / yourself / friends 请让我们知道谁是申请者
  • Please select work permit you want to apply for yourself / friends / your staffs / your agency workers. You can select more than one options.
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 200.
    How many applications for Professional (DP10) Visa
  • Please tell the job position of applicants for Professional (DP10) Visa.
  • Primary Email Address For Communication.
  • Please stated your / friends / your staffs / your agency workers country origin.
  • Are you / friends / your staffs / your agency workers arrived Malaysia?
  • Please tell which types of Visa you / your friends / your staffs / your agency workers hold to enter / going into Malaysia.
  • If you / your friends are going to receive / have received job offer, please stated your employer company name here.
  • Please stated your / your friends employer company address.
  • Tell us which industry are you intend to apply Professional (DP10) Visa ?
  • Please write the problem you encountered as much as you can.
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, tiff, gif.
    Please upload your current / previous work permit / social pass together with your passport first page info here. Please refer to example below and upload color scan and sharp clear copy. We need to read the text on the passport during the evaluation process. Thank you!
  • passport_info

    Note: We have been experiencing high volume of enquiry on DP10 Visa, hence, we would appreciate you will be patient and provide us the above information to cut down the process of finding on your documents and able to suggest you a best solutions. When you click "Submit" button below, you agreed that these information submitted for our internal evaluation only. You are assured the information submitted herewith are personal and confidential and we won't share this information out.



Malaysia Foreign Worker Visas / Employment Pass

If you are one of the foreigners who wish to start business or working in Malaysia, you can consider applying for one of the work permit below.

  1. Without business establishment in Malaysia

For quick access to Malaysia for 2 years’ work permit, we can help you to apply for a 2-year visa under a company. This method is fast, hassle free, without the need of any trade license for most businesses and you don’t need to setup office to operate in Malaysia. The processing time is fast (i.e. 60 working days).

  1. Setup your company in Malaysia

A. 100% foreigners own private limited (Sdn Bhd) company
Under this category, foreign businessmen & businesswomen who want to run their business with full control in Malaysia. There are many restrictions with the permissible business setup in Malaysia. You are advised to check out the types of business and industries allowed in Malaysia. Upon successful application, you will obtain a 2-years Malaysia visa (DP10).

Here’s the minimum company setup requirement for 100% foreign owned Sdn Bhd Company

Paid up capital: RM 1,000,000
Other license require: Wholesale, retail & trade license (WRT)

You are required to setup an office / shop in Malaysia

Duration: 6 to 9 months or longer (from company formation, setup office/shop, apply for WRT license & professional employment visa (DP10 empolyment pass) until visa endorsement into your passport

B. Joint venture with local Malaysian with private limited (Sdn Bhd) company

Another option for you is to form a joint venture company with local Malaysian (with the 51% shareholding), depends on the nature of business and company profile, immigration may approve your 2-years Malaysia employment pass / visa (DP10 Visa). The approval is very stringent for newly Setup Company as there is no activities and history. However, if you can obtain letter of recommendation from other Government bodies, the immigration may consider for approving your 2-years Malaysia visa (DP10)

Here’s the minimum company setup requirement for maximum of 49% foreign owned Sdn Bhd Company

Paid up capital: 500,000
You are required to setup an office / shop in Malaysia

Duration: 2 to 3 months or longer (from company formation, setup office/shop, apply for for professional visa (DP10) until visa endorsement into your passport

  1. Employed by Malaysia companies, representative off in Malaysia

Foreigners who take on a employment contract / job letter of offer with the minimum salary of RM 2,500 in order to qualify to apply for professional visa (DP10). The job position to be hired need to get approval by immigration department as below:

Specialist / Skilled / Technical – minimum requirement is a Bachelor degree qualification related to the applied job position.

Duration: 1 to 3 months or longer (from company formation, setup office/shop, apply for for professional visa (DP10) until visa endorsement into your passport

Feel free to contact us to find out the requirements are meet for your company employment. For company operate less than one (1) year and without substantial turnover / revenue, the application tend to be rejected by immigration department.

  1. Professional Visit Pass (PVP)

Professional Visit Pass (PVP) / Ikhtisas Pass is issued to foreign talents with acceptable professional qualifications or skills. They can enter the country and provide services or undergo practical training with a Malaysian company on behalf of an overseas company on a temporary basis, usually for 6 to 12 months.

The Professional Visit Pass shall be considered for the following categories:

  • Artists
  • Missionaries (Islam)
  • Missionaries (other religions)
  • Experts/Volunteers

Applicant has to be outside Malaysia during the application period. Application entry is only valid when the pass has been issued.

It is possible to convert to employment pass (DP10) after completion of 12 months for PVP.

Contact us to find out more about which types of Visa suitable for you:

Easy Manpower Solution Enquiry Form

  • Please stated if workers working at the office address.
  • Tell us which industry are you from?
  • You can select more than one options
  • Please stated what kind of products & services you are dealing with. ie Manufacturing - Food.
  • Please tell what types of workers you are looking for.
  • Please tell which country workers you are hiring currently. You may select a few options
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 500.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently?
  • Please tell which country foreign workers you are hire. You may select a few options
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 500.
    How many new foreign workers you intend to take?
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 9.
    Normally is 8 hours working plus 1 hour rest. If your organization practise 8+1 hours, please key in 9
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 6.
    Please tell how many OT your organisation can offer to foreign workers on average in a day.
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 31.
    Please tell how many working days in a month.
  • Please stated whether your organization will provided accommodation to the foreign workers.
  • Please stated whether your organization will provide transport accommodation to the new hiring employees.
  • Please stated whether your organization will provide food to the foreign workers
  • Please stated what are the others benefits you offer?
  • ...
    Please tell which date you would like us to deliver foreign workers.
  • Please write down the requirements, issue and problem (if any) you encountered and would like to seek professional opinions from us.
  • Tell us how do you found us and our website.
  • Please let us know the convenience time to contact you to discuss further.

New Requirement For Employment Pass (DP10) Category I, II & III

malaysia employment pass (dp10)

Effective 1 August 2016, please be informed that all Employment Pass (DP10) Category I, II & III applications must obtain an Approval Letter before entering Malaysia for the purpose of employment. This requirement is also applicable for all re-submission of applications that has been returned to company. The Approval Letter must be produced at Malaysia’s Entry Point for verification purposes.

All countries that requires visa must obtain an Approval Letter and Visa/Visa with Reference (VDR) from any Malaysian Embassies / High Commissions / Consulate General abroad.

Summary of The Employment Pass:

Category I
Applicants must receive a monthly base salary of above RM 8,000 and have an employment contract with a minimum validity period of 24 months. Applicants may bring eligible dependent(s) and/or foreign domestic helper(s), subject to approval and the employment pass may be renewed.

Category II
Applicants must receive a monthly base salary of RM 5,000 to RM 7,999 and have an employment contract with a maximum validity period of 23 months. The employment pass may be renewed. Applicants can bring eligible dependent(s) and/or foreign domestic helper(s), subject to approval

Category III
Malaysia introduced a new employment pass category as of July 2, 2015:
Employment Pass Category III is available to foreign nationals working on contracts of 12 months or less and with monthly salaries ranging from RM 2,500 to RM 4,999. The employment pass may be renewed up to two times. Applicants are not allowed to bring dependent(s) and/or foreign domestic helper(s).

It is mandatory for successful applicants to obtain a Visa with Reference prior to entry into Malaysia; Employers who wish to employ expatriates under employment pass (Category III) are required to obtain exemption from the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA) / Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) prior to submission of the employment pass (Category III) application. MOHA approval is granted on an annual basis.

News source: ESD Website

Introduction of Application Charges For Skilled Expatriate Employment Pass And Related Applications


To better facilitate employers meet their needs for skilled expatriate talent, we have put in place a robust online data platform and service-driven process which have helped the centre, which is conveniently located in the Klang Valley, to efficiently process employment pass applications for skilled expatriates within its five-day (5) client charter. Since June 2015, we have worked hard to improve the processing time and have approved more than 74% of Employment Pass applications within this client charter.

In our continuous effort to enhance our facilities and provide improved service in processing skilled expatriate Employment Pass (DP10) on a sustainable basis, we would like to advise that MYXpats Centre will be introducing application charges for all skilled expatriate employment pass and related applications submitted through ESD Online.

Effective 1 June 2016, all new and renewal applications for the Employment Pass (EP), Dependant Pass (DP), and Social Visit Pass (SVP) will be subject to the following application charges:

Type of pass Application charges per application (Ringgit Malaysia) GST (Ringgit Malaysia)
Employment Pass RM 300.00 RM 18.00
Dependant Pass RM 70.00 RM 4.20
Social Visit Pass (SVP) RM 70.00 RM 4.20

(NOTE: The amount stated are solely for the skilled expatriate talent application charges and exclude Immigration fees)

In line with the Government’s plan to create leaner and more efficient public services, payment for these application charges can be made online via credit card or internet banking at any time of the day. For more information on the application charges and payment methods, please refer to our Frequently Asked Questions on the Immigration Department’s Expatriate Services Division (ESD) website.

News Source: ESD Website


Guidelines On Foreign Participation In The Distributive Trade Services Malaysia

Malaysia Ikhtisas visa

Please be informed that companies in the distributive trade services sector are required to comply with the Guidelines on Foreign Participation in the Distributive Trade Services Malaysia issued by the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism. According to the Guideline, foreign involvement is restricted in certain sectors as outlined below.

Therefore applications for any long-term pass (more than 3 months) including Employment Pass (DP10) for companies in these sectors is NOT ALLOWED. You may refer to http://www.kpdnkk.gov.my for more information.

Restricted sector for foreign involvement under the Guidelines on Foreign Participation in the Distributive Trade Services Malaysia

  • Supermarket / mini market (less than 3,000 square sales floor area)
  • Provision shop / general vendor
  • Convenience store (that opens for business for 24 hours)
  • News agent and miscellaneous goods store
  • Medical hall (inclined towards traditional alternative medicines plus general dry foodstuff)
  • Fuel station with convenience store
  • Fuel station without convenience store
  • Permanent wet market store
  • Permanent pavement store
  • National Strategic Interest
  • Textile, restaurant (non-exclusive), bistro, jewellery shops
  • Others

News source: ESD Website

Malaysia DP 10 Professional Visa

Malaysia DP10 Professional Visa Application and Recruitment Services

Our services include:

  • Prepare & Submit application to Malaysian Immigration Department (MID) for Approval.
  • Prepare & Submit for Visa Application (VDR)
  • Arrange transportation from port of entry to workplace
  • Prepare & Submit application for endorsement of professional pass including single journey visa.
  • Assist in submission of passports and payment to the Malaysian Immigration Department (MID)



Reasons to choose Malaysia:

  • Gateway to the whole world,
  • Good opportunities for job seeking Individuals in Malaysia,
  • Cost of living is still is one of the lowest in Asia countries.
  • Stable political background
  • No natural disaster