We provide consultation for Immigration Malaysia Services, Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H), Malaysia Company Registration, Malaysia Business Registration. Contact us for more details.
You need to really careful about the approved period of staying in Malaysia. Malaysia immigration is very particular about the given staying period. You can refer to the passport for the approved staying period for yourself)

Overstaying in Malaysia is a violation of section 15(1)(c) of the Immigration Act 1959/63, an offence under section 15(4) of the Act.
1. Requirements Checklist
When dealing with the Malaysia Immigration Enforcement Division, please bring along the originals and copies of the following documents:
i. Passport / travel document (all pages are intact);
ii. Police report (in the case of lost passport);
iii. Any evidence of overstaying;
iv. Plane / bus / ferry ticket (depart within 7-14 days)
2. Additional Requirements for Employers
i. Employer needs to be present along with the employee;
ii. Cover letter (for company);
iii. Business license / registration of the company;
iv. Identity card (Mycard / etc);
v. Memo reference from BPA / VPP / BPP / MIDA (If applicable)
BPA-Foreign Workers Division, Immigration Department Malaysia
BPP-Employment Pass Division, Immigration Department Malaysia
VPP-Visa, Pass and Permit Division, Immigration Department Malaysia
MIDA- Malaysian Industrial Development Authority
3. Offence
Section 15 (1) (c) Immigration Act 1959/63 (Act 155).
Living in Malaysia after a pass / permit has expired or revoked.
4. Penalty
Section 15 (4) of the Immigration Act 1959/63 (Act 155) provides a fine of not less than RM10,000 or imprisonment not exceeding 5 years or both.
Compounding is an alternative punishment for the offence. It is made under the Immigration Regulations (Compounding Offences) 2003 in accordance with the powers conferred by section 54 of the Immigration Act 1959/63 (Act 155).
Source: Immigration Malaysia
We provide consultation for Immigration Malaysia services, Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H), Malaysia Company Registration, Malaysia Business Registration. Contact us for more details.