Nearly 50,000 Employers Applied for RTK 2.0(2023)On The First 5 Days

Nearly 50,000 Employers Applied for RTK 2.0(2023)On The First 5 Days

Immigration director general Datuk Seri Khairul Dzaimee Daud, revealed that the foreign worker recalibration program 2.0 2023 (RTK 2.0) received a positive response after its implementation in 27 January 2023.

Datuk Seri Khairul Dzaimee Daud pointed out that in the first five days after the implementation, the Immigration Department has received nearly 50,000 applications from employers.

He said the response this time has been better than expected compared to similar programs that have been put in place in the past.

“In the first five days, we received 47,200 applications.”

“The previous record of applications was 265,000, and as the rules of the reset program are relaxed, we expect the number of applicants to be even higher,” he said when he was appearing as a guest on “TV 3” program this morning.

In addition, Datuk Seri Khairul Dzaimee Daud also called on small plantation / estate holders to participate in this RTK 2.0 program.

“Those small plantation owners with small plantations and rubber plantations, or the owner of a Tom Yam restaurant, can apply to the Immigration Department and we will approve it,” he said.

Also, addressing the high cost of hiring new domestic workers from Indonesia, Datuk Seri Khairul Dzaimee Daud said employers can consider to apply for this registration.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail announced on the 10th of January, 2023 that the RTK 2.0 will be resumed from now until the end of the year.

He made the announcement at a press conference after attending a special meeting on foreign labor management chaired by the Prime Minister.

He said that under this scheme, illegal workers can choose to pay a fine to work legally in Malaysia, or voluntarily repatriate to their home country.

“The conditions set in the foreign worker recalibration program 2.0 2023 (RTK 2.0) are more flexible, but will not ignore national security concerns.”

Note: The above information is a translation from Chinese language. If there are errors in this contents, kindly refer to the original Chinese version below for details.

Malaysia Government has announced Recalibration program 2.0, please read the latest info here: 
👉 FAQs’ For Recalibration Program (RTK 2.0) 2023

Kerajaan Malaysia telah mengumumkan Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023), sila baca maklumat terkini di sini:
👉Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023)

👉 重置劳工计划2.0常见问题

If you have workers who are keen to legalise now, please leave your contact details below, we will contact you to discuss further how we can assist you.

Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0

Enquiry Form For Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0
  • Tell us which industry are you from?
  • Please stated what kind of products & services you are dealing with. ie Manufacturing - Food.
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently?
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently want to register for rehiring program?
  • If you are a foreign workers, tell us which country are you from.
    If you are Malaysian employers, please stated your workers' country origin.
  • Please write down the requirements, issue and problem (if any) you encountered and would like to seek professional opinions from us.
    Tell us how do you found us and our website.
  • Please let us know the convenience time to contact you to discuss further.

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