
Khidmat Imigran Program

Khidmat Imigran Program

The Khidmat Imigran Program is a program that provides services based on society and humanity, specifically for all groups of citizens foreigners residing in Malaysia.

The services provided to the participants have been reviewed and are following the scenario of foreigners in this country to meet their needs from a social point of view, employment and legislation.

Khidmat Immigrant was founded in 2010 before being registered with the Property Corporation.


Intelek Malaysia under the Trademark Act 1976. After three years, it was noted, on 7 January 2016, this program was gazetted under Class 45, which enables Immigrant Services provides services to immigrants.



Services offered and benefits


Information of Foreigner Card

  • Membership card for the foreigner
  • Complete personal information data reference
  • Beneficiary data information
  • Facility to recognize personnel data for any humanity services (hospitalize, funeral,etc)

*This card is not constituting for any Government’s official document

Counselling and consultation service related to Immigrant & Immigration Affairs

  • Exclusive for Khidmat Imigran members
  • For any immigrant and immigration issues

Funeral management and Repatriation Scheme

  • Funeral management and free repatriation service
  • Additional RM15,000.00 for death due to accident
  • Reparation up to RM10,000.00 disability due to accidents
  • Valid for domestic cases ONLY
  • Age limit – 30 days to 75 years


1) Open to all foreigners who residing in Malaysia from 30 days to 75 years old, covering infant up to senior citizen

2) Open to those without permit, passport & personal identification documents

Visa Prepaid card & e-wallet

  • No Bank account required
  • Money transfer between members
  • Online / cashless spending
  • Bill payment
  • Limited to participants 12 years old and above only

App can download from Google play & App store

Nearly 50,000 Employers Applied for RTK 2.0(2023)On The First 5 Days

Immigration director general Datuk Seri Khairul Dzaimee Daud, revealed that the foreign worker recalibration program 2.0 2023 (RTK 2.0) received a positive response after its implementation in 27 January 2023.

Datuk Seri Khairul Dzaimee Daud pointed out that in the first five days after the implementation, the Immigration Department has received nearly 50,000 applications from employers.

He said the response this time has been better than expected compared to similar programs that have been put in place in the past.

“In the first five days, we received 47,200 applications.”

“The previous record of applications was 265,000, and as the rules of the reset program are relaxed, we expect the number of applicants to be even higher,” he said when he was appearing as a guest on “TV 3” program this morning.

In addition, Datuk Seri Khairul Dzaimee Daud also called on small plantation / estate holders to participate in this RTK 2.0 program.

“Those small plantation owners with small plantations and rubber plantations, or the owner of a Tom Yam restaurant, can apply to the Immigration Department and we will approve it,” he said.

Also, addressing the high cost of hiring new domestic workers from Indonesia, Datuk Seri Khairul Dzaimee Daud said employers can consider to apply for this registration.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail announced on the 10th of January, 2023 that the RTK 2.0 will be resumed from now until the end of the year.

He made the announcement at a press conference after attending a special meeting on foreign labor management chaired by the Prime Minister.

He said that under this scheme, illegal workers can choose to pay a fine to work legally in Malaysia, or voluntarily repatriate to their home country.

“The conditions set in the foreign worker recalibration program 2.0 2023 (RTK 2.0) are more flexible, but will not ignore national security concerns.”

Note: The above information is a translation from Chinese language. If there are errors in this contents, kindly refer to the original Chinese version below for details.

Malaysia Government has announced Recalibration program 2.0, please read the latest info here: 
👉 FAQs’ For Recalibration Program (RTK 2.0) 2023

Kerajaan Malaysia telah mengumumkan Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023), sila baca maklumat terkini di sini:
👉Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023)

👉 重置劳工计划2.0常见问题

If you have workers who are keen to legalise now, please leave your contact details below, we will contact you to discuss further how we can assist you.

Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0

Enquiry Form For Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0
  • Tell us which industry are you from?
  • Please stated what kind of products & services you are dealing with. ie Manufacturing - Food.
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently?
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently want to register for rehiring program?
  • If you are a foreign workers, tell us which country are you from.
    If you are Malaysian employers, please stated your workers' country origin.
  • Please write down the requirements, issue and problem (if any) you encountered and would like to seek professional opinions from us.
    Tell us how do you found us and our website.
  • Please let us know the convenience time to contact you to discuss further.

Compound Fee for Labour Recalibration Programme 2.0 To Remain At RM1,500

The fee to hire undocumented migrants in this country under the Labour Recalibration Programme (RTK) 2.0 will remain at RM1,500, Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said.

“So far, there is no plan to reduce or abolish the fee. So it remains status quo,” he said in response to calls by the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) to review the recalibration fee or compound.

On Jan 18, Immigration director general Datuk Seri Khairul Dzaimee Daud said that employers can start applying for recruitment of foreign workers through RTK 2.0 from Jan 27 until Dec 31.

The eight sectors allowed to recruit foreign workers are manufacturing, construction, mining and quarrying, security guards, services, agriculture, plantations and foreign maid.

RTK, which initially ended on Dec 31, 2022, was created to regularise illegal immigrants in the country so that they could be employed by qualified employers but subject to strict conditions set by the government through the Immigration Department and the Labour Department of Peninsular Malaysia.

The extension of the RTK and the creation of the Relaxation of Employment of Foreign Workers Plan were among the matters agreed upon in the special meeting on foreign worker management chaired by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on Jan 10.

Saifuddin Nasution said RTK aims to facilitate employers in hiring undocumented migrants already in this country, which is cheaper than paying recruitment agencies to bring in new foreign workers from source countries.

He added that last year, the government recorded over RM700 million in revenue through the recalibration programme.

As of Jan 22 this year, the Immigration Department recorded 1,484,677 foreign workers holding temporary working visit passes, of which 446,229 are from Bangladesh, Indonesia (399,827), Nepal (285,768), Myanmar (135,590) and India (81,002).

News source: Fee for labour recalibration programme to remain at RM1,500

中文:赛弗丁: 外劳重置2.0费维持千五

Malaysia Government has announced Recalibration program 2.0, please read the latest info here: 
👉 FAQs’ For Recalibration Program (RTK 2.0) 2023

Kerajaan Malaysia telah mengumumkan Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023), sila baca maklumat terkini di sini:
👉Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023)

👉 重置劳工计划2.0常见问题

If you have workers who are keen to legalise now, please leave your contact details below, we will contact you to discuss further how we can assist you.

Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0

Enquiry Form For Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0
  • Tell us which industry are you from?
  • Please stated what kind of products & services you are dealing with. ie Manufacturing - Food.
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently?
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently want to register for rehiring program?
  • If you are a foreign workers, tell us which country are you from.
    If you are Malaysian employers, please stated your workers' country origin.
  • Please write down the requirements, issue and problem (if any) you encountered and would like to seek professional opinions from us.
    Tell us how do you found us and our website.
  • Please let us know the convenience time to contact you to discuss further.

RTK 2.0 Application Opens From January 27 2023

Employers can start applying for recruitment of foreign workers through the Labour Recalibration Programme (RTK) 2.0 from January 27, Immigration Director-General Datuk Seri Khairul Dzaimee Daud said.

In a briefing session on the RTK2.0 here today, he said the application can be made now before they can receive an appointment date from the Immigration Department (JIM).

“Once they have an appointment date, the employers have to go to the Foreign Workers Division at JIM headquarters in Putrajaya or any state JIM office together with the registered foreign workers for verification.

“The approval process will take only one day to complete. Once complete, the employers have to take their foreign workers for medical examination by the Foreign Workers Medical Examination Monitoring Agency (FOMEMA) to ensure that they are healthy and able to work in their respective sectors.

“The next process will be the payment of recalibration fee, visas, temporary work visit pass (PLKS), processing fees and levies. When all documents are complete, the employers can print the PLKS,” he said, adding that JIM had never appointed any individual or agency as an agent or a middleman for the programme.


News source: RTK 2.0 Application Opens From January 27

Malaysia Government has announced Recalibration program 2.0, please read the latest info here: 
👉 FAQs’ For Recalibration Program (RTK 2.0) 2023

Kerajaan Malaysia telah mengumumkan Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023), sila baca maklumat terkini di sini:
👉Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023)

👉 重置劳工计划2.0常见问题

If you have workers who are keen to legalise now, please leave your contact details below, we will contact you to discuss further how we can assist you.

Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0

Enquiry Form For Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0
  • Tell us which industry are you from?
  • Please stated what kind of products & services you are dealing with. ie Manufacturing - Food.
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently?
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently want to register for rehiring program?
  • If you are a foreign workers, tell us which country are you from.
    If you are Malaysian employers, please stated your workers' country origin.
  • Please write down the requirements, issue and problem (if any) you encountered and would like to seek professional opinions from us.
    Tell us how do you found us and our website.
  • Please let us know the convenience time to contact you to discuss further.

Overstayed Maids To Be Included In RTK 2.0 2023

Domestic workers will be included for the first time in the Labour Recalibration Programme 2.0 (RTK 2.0) which will allow employers to legalise their foreign workforce.

The programme will begin next Friday, said Immigration director-general Datuk Seri Khairul Dzaimee Daud.

He said only eight sectors will be eligible for the programme and foreign workers must meet certain requirements.

“Only foreign workers under verified employers in the manufacturing, construction, mining, security, service, agriculture and farming sectors will be able to apply for RTK 2.0. We have now added the foreign maid sector as well.

“Eligible foreign workers include those who have been found to have either entered and stayed in the country using an unverified work visa, overstayed their work visa or violated their work visa’s terms and conditions on or before Dec 31, 2022.

“Those who have been registered in the Rehiring Programme and the 6P Programme are also eligible to apply,” he said during the press briefing session for RTK 2.0 at the Immigration Department headquarters here yesterday.

He added that foreign workers must also meet certain preconditions in order to be eligible.

“Foreign workers who have either been blacklisted or are on any suspicious persons list are not eligible.

“They must also have on them their travel documents from their home country that are at least still valid for a minimum of 18 months while also having been previously deemed ‘fit to work’ by the Foreign Workers Medical Examination Monitoring Agency (Fomema),” he said.

According to Khairul Dzaimee, the entire legalisation process under RTK 2.0 should only take up to three weeks as long as both employers and foreign workers have their respective required documents on hand.

“Employers must first apply for an appointment via the government immigration website, where they will receive an appointment date within three days.

“Employers must then accompany their qualified illegal foreign workers, along with any relevant documents, to the Immigration Department on the appointed date for verification of their documents.

“The verification process itself should be finished within the day itself, depending on the number of applications, after which immigration department officials will decide on the approval of each application.

“Rejected applicants can either choose to appeal or reapply at a later date, while those who are approved must undergo another health check-up by Fomema.

“Those who fail the check-up are returned to their home countries, while those who pass must pay the applicable fees based on the sector of the foreign worker.

“Foreign workers will then be given a temporary working visit pass (PLKS) after the payments are processed,” he said, noting that fees include recalibration, visa, PLKS, levies and processing.

“The total fee per applicant for those in the manufacturing, construction, mining, security and service sectors costs the most – at RM3,535. Those in farming and agriculture cost RM2,325 while those in the maid sector cost the least at RM2,095,” said Khairul Dzaimee.

He also talked about how the procedures for hiring new foreign workers have been streamlined.

“Employers first make their application to the Labour Department, and once approved, they must immediately pay the levy fees to the Immigration Department.

“After the process of identifying, (health) screening and verifying the foreign workers in their home countries, the workers are then given a single-entry visa with reference from Malaysia’s Immigration Department.

“Once they enter the country, they will then be given a special pass that will give them 30 days to undergo another health check-up by Fomema.

“Upon passing the test, they are then given a PLKS as proof of their status as legal foreign labour,” he said.

Khairul Dzaimee also confirmed that inspections to ensure employers adhere to labour laws will begin six months after the issuance of foreign workers’ PLKS.

He also stated that employers who fail to comply will face consequences based on the gravity of the violation.

The maiden labour recalibration exercise was held in November 2020 before ending in December 2021.

News source: Maids to be included in RTK 2.0

Bahasa Melayu: PATI Boleh Jadi Pembantu Rumah Melalui Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (RTK 2.0 2023)

Malaysia Government has announced Recalibration program 2.0, please read the latest info here: 
👉 FAQs’ For Recalibration Program (RTK 2.0) 2023

Kerajaan Malaysia telah mengumumkan Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023), sila baca maklumat terkini di sini:
👉Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023)

👉 重置劳工计划2.0常见问题

If you have workers who are keen to legalise now, please leave your contact details below, we will contact you to discuss further how we can assist you.

Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0

Enquiry Form For Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0
  • Tell us which industry are you from?
  • Please stated what kind of products & services you are dealing with. ie Manufacturing - Food.
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently?
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently want to register for rehiring program?
  • If you are a foreign workers, tell us which country are you from.
    If you are Malaysian employers, please stated your workers' country origin.
  • Please write down the requirements, issue and problem (if any) you encountered and would like to seek professional opinions from us.
    Tell us how do you found us and our website.
  • Please let us know the convenience time to contact you to discuss further.

Malaysia Foreign Workers Recalibration Programme 2.0 Extended To Year End

The government today has agreed to extend the Labour Recalibration Programme 2.0 until the end of this year, said Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail.

He said the decision to extend the programme from last year was made during the foreign workers management special meeting chaired by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim today.

Saifuddin said the programme was meant for foreign workers who were already in the country and did not possess full documents.

He said they could either pay the compound and continue working or opt to return to their country of origin.

“We find that this programme can provide work opportunities to foreign workers who are already here to serve in the seven main labour sectors, which includes domestic workers,” he said at a press conference at Perdana Putra today.

Also present was Human Resources Minister V. Sivakumar.

Saifuddin added that the 1st edition of the programme which ended on Dec 31 last year, registered 418,649 foreign illegal workers while there were 295,425 who opted to return home.

Saifuddin said the government generated a revenue of RM700 million from compounds paid by the foreign illegal workers last year.

“The differences between the programme this year and last year is the stipulated conditions are more flexible without compromising the nation’s security elements,” he said.

News source: Labour Recalibration Programme 2.0 extended to year end

Malaysia Government has announced Recalibration program 2.0, please read the latest info here: 
👉 FAQs’ For Recalibration Program (RTK 2.0) 2023

Kerajaan Malaysia telah mengumumkan Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023), sila baca maklumat terkini di sini:
👉Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023)

👉 重置劳工计划2.0常见问题

If you have workers who are keen to legalise now, please leave your contact details below, we will contact you to discuss further how we can assist you.

Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0

Enquiry Form For Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0
  • Tell us which industry are you from?
  • Please stated what kind of products & services you are dealing with. ie Manufacturing - Food.
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently?
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently want to register for rehiring program?
  • If you are a foreign workers, tell us which country are you from.
    If you are Malaysian employers, please stated your workers' country origin.
  • Please write down the requirements, issue and problem (if any) you encountered and would like to seek professional opinions from us.
    Tell us how do you found us and our website.
  • Please let us know the convenience time to contact you to discuss further.

Quarantine Order For Passengers Entering Malaysia

Quarantine Order for Passengers Entering Malaysia (Updated 23 November 2020)

Effective 15th September 2020, Malaysians who have exited the country during the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) are allowed to return to Malaysia without seeking prior approval from the Department of Immigration Malaysia. This includes Malaysians coming from countries that are subject to entry restrictions or Long-Term Pass Holders.

As of 7th September 2020, the Government of Malaysia has imposed an entry ban on citizens of countries with more than 150,000 COVID-19 cases. Currently, the countries affected are Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, France, German, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States. Passengers from aforementioned nations, however, are allowed to transit in KLIA within 24 hours.

Other requirements remain unchanged. The requirements include:

All passengers travelling into Malaysia are required to undergo 14-day mandatory quarantine at dedicated quarantine centres upon arrival at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and bear the cost for quarantine as determined by the Malaysian Ministry of Health. The 14-day quarantine requirement upon arrival at KLIA is also applicable for passengers with domestic connection to Peninsular Malaysia.

Effective 15th November 2020, all non-Malaysians are required to make an online payment for a COVID-19 swab test and the quarantine cost through the MySafeTravel System or the MyQR phone app prior to their arrival into Malaysia. Malaysians travelling back into the country are also encouraged to use the online system to avoid congestion at the airport.

The mode of payment by cash, credit or debit card at KLIA is only available for Malaysians until further notice.

The current 14 days quarantine charges for Malaysian & Foreigner remains the same and as below:


PCR Quarantine Day 13 (RTK) Total


RM150 RM2,100 RM30


Foreigner RM250 RM4,700 RM60



The charges include COVID 19 screening test, transport, accommodation, meal and handling cost.

Passengers will have to present proof of payment to officials before proceeding with COVID-19 test and prior to entering the quarantine centres.

The following are additional information in the guideline for the Entry Permission or Approval to Exit and Return to Malaysia:

They are also required to present a signed of Letter of Undertaking and Indemnity (LoU) which are available from the following websites:

Foreign Ministry: www.kln.gov.my
National Disaster Management Agency: www.nadma.gov.my
Immigration Department of Malaysia: www.imi.gov.my
Ministry of Health Malaysia: www.moh.gov.my
Ministry of Transport Malaysia: www.mot.gov.my
Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia: www.motac.gov.my

Notwithstanding the above, Reciprocal Green Lane (RGL) and Periodic Commuting Arrangement (PCA) pass holders including diplomats who are allowed for home quarantine are exempted from the quarantine charges.

Effective 21st November 2020, all passengers bound for China will not be permitted to transit via KLIA until further notice.

Meanwhile, other transit passengers to Sabah and Labuan must undergo a COVID-19 testing at the International Entrance prior departure.

All passengers (including Malaysians) are no longer required to undergo COVID-19 test three (3) days before their flight to Malaysia. However, they are subject to COVID-19 screening test upon arrival (which may take up to 3 hours).

mysejahtera-appMalaysians and foreigners returning to Malaysia are also required to download the MySejahtera application on their phones for contact tracing purposes. The app is developed by the Government of Malaysia especially for Malaysians and Non-Malaysians returning or visiting Malaysia starting from departure, upon arrival and during the 14-day quarantine. It is based on the standard operating procedures developed by the Malaysian government to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. Passengers may visit https://mysejahtera.malaysia.gov.my to download the apps.

Family members are advised by the government not to turn up at the airport as the passengers will be sent straight to the quarantine centres. Passengers may contact the National Disaster Management Agency at +603-8064 2400 or opsroom@nadma.gov.my / covid19operation@nadma.gov.my for any enquiries.

Effective 21st September 2020, the Government of Malaysia has allowed expatriates and their dependents, including foreign maids to expatriates who are holding a valid long-term pass and/or has obtained pass approval application to enter Malaysia.

The category of the pass are as follows:

  • Residence Pass-Talent (RP-T) and their dependent/s
  • Employment Pass (Category EP I, II and III)
  • Professional Visit Pass (PVP)
  • Dependant Pass to expatriate for all categories
  • Long Term Social Visit Pass (LT-SVP) to expatriate for all categories
  • Foreign Maid to expatriate for all categories

The expatriates listed above are required to apply for the Entry Permission or Approval to Exit and Return to Malaysia via MYEntry system in ESD (esd.imi.gov.my). MYEntry is not applicable for expatriates who are exiting Malaysia and will not return during the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO).

Passengers are reminded to be aware of and check the travel rules and restrictions of their departure and arrival country with the respective embassies to avoid from being denied permission to proceed for their flight.

Effective 7th October 2020, all passengers who are entering or exiting Malaysia but not listed under any travel exemption list can submit their applications through MyTravelPass.

Passengers are required to complete their applications within five (5) working days prior to departure. The Immigration Department of Malaysia will notify the application status via email.

Application through My Travel Pass is categorized as follows:

  • Malaysian (exit)
  • Spouse of Malaysian Citizen, Children of Malaysian Citizen, Permanent Resident of Malaysia and Resident Pass (entry)
  • Foreigner (Social visit) and Permanent Resident (PR)
  • Temporary Work Visit Passes and Foreign Maids

Passengers are required to present the MyTravel Pass approval slip during exit/entry which is valid for one entry. Passengers can enter or exit within the validity of the letter.

News Source: Malaysia Airlines

PATI Recalibration Program Frequently Asked Questions

Malaysia Government has announced Recalibration program 2.0, please read the latest info here: 
👉 FAQs’ For Recalibration Program (RTK 2.0) 2023

Kerajaan Malaysia telah mengumumkan Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023), sila baca maklumat terkini di sini:
👉Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023)

马来西亚政府宣布重新校准计划 2.0,请在这里阅读最新信息:
👉 重置劳工计划2.0常见问题


What Is The PATI Recalibration Program?

The PATI Recalibration Program is a special program to legalise illegal foreign workers in the Malaysia to become legal foreign workers employed by eligible employers subject to strict conditions decided by the Government through the Immigration Department of Malaysia (JIM) and the Department of Labor Peninsular Malaysia (JTKSM) .

Who Is Eligible To Participate In This Program?

  • Employers from the manufacturing, construction, agriculture and plantation sectors ONLY;
  • Subject to the quota approved by JTKSM;
  • Compliance with existing foreign workers employment term and conditions such as levy payments, pass eligibility and so on; DAN
  • Not in suspected list and blacklist.


This program is open to foreign workers who fulfill terms and conditions as follows:

Holders of Social Visit Pass (PLS), Temporary Working Visit Pass (PLKS) including foreign maids who commit offenses under Section 15 (1) (c) i.e. stay overtime under the Immigration Act 1959/63 on or before 31 December 2020;
PLKS holders who commit an offense in violation of the conditions of the pass under Regulation 39 (b) of the Immigration Regulations 1963 whose pass is still valid on or before 31 December 2020.
Not a PLKS holder who reportedly ran away from the employer;
Only from 15 source countries ONLY (Thailand, Cambodia, Nepal, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Turksmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, India and Indonesia);
Not in Suspected List and Blacklist;
Have a valid country travel document that is still valid for at least 18 months; DAN
Have a negative result slip for COVID-19 test made within three (3) days before the appointment date.

How Much Does It Cost To Pay For This Program?

Deposit: RM 500.00 per foreign worker

Compound: RM 1,500.00 per foreign worker

Other fees:

  • Insurance
  • FOMEMA examination;
  • Levy;
  • Processing;
  • PLKS; and
  • Visa

Payment methods are by credit card and debit card ONLY. CASH payment is not accepted.

What Is The Duration Of This Program Implementing?

This program is implementing from 16 November 2020 until 30 June 2021 31 Dec 2021.

Does The Program Involve Vendors Or Third Parties?

This program is carried out entirely by the Malaysian Immigration Department (JIM) / Peninsular Malaysia Manpower Department (JTKSM) without the involvement of vendors or third parties.

Applicants also need to browse the website of the Department of Labour Peninsular Malaysia (JTKSM) to get information on matters under the department including apply for the foreign workers quota. Employers are asked to apply for quotas at JTKSM without having to wait for the appointment date at JIM to be obtained.

Update Date: 14 November 2020

Translated from BM: Soalan – soalan Lazim Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja

Chinese: 非法外劳重聘 / 漂白计划常见问题

Malaysia Foreign Workers Rehiring is launching soon started from 16 November 2020, please fill up the form below and we will notify you when the program is available. You have missed 6P program in 2011 and rehiring program in 2014, this could be your last time to legalised your foreign workers. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0

Enquiry Form For Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0
  • Tell us which industry are you from?
  • Please stated what kind of products & services you are dealing with. ie Manufacturing - Food.
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently?
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently want to register for rehiring program?
  • If you are a foreign workers, tell us which country are you from.
    If you are Malaysian employers, please stated your workers' country origin.
  • Please write down the requirements, issue and problem (if any) you encountered and would like to seek professional opinions from us.
    Tell us how do you found us and our website.
  • Please let us know the convenience time to contact you to discuss further.

Soalan – soalan Lazim Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja

Malaysia Government has announced Recalibration program 2.0, please read the latest info here: 
👉 FAQs’ For Recalibration Program (RTK 2.0) 2023

Kerajaan Malaysia telah mengumumkan Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023), sila baca maklumat terkini di sini:
👉Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023)

马来西亚政府宣布重新校准计划 2.0,请在这里阅读最新信息:
👉 重置劳工计划2.0常见问题


Apakah itu Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja?

Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja merupakan suatu program khas untuk meregularisasikan PATI di negara ini sebagai pekerja asing yang sah digajikan oleh majikan yang layak tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat ketat yang diputuskan oleh Kerajaan melalui Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia (JIM) dan Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Semenanjung Malaysia (JTKSM).

Siapakah yang layak menyertai Program ini?

  • Hanya majikan daripada sektor perkilangan, pembinaan, pertanian dan perladangan SAHAJA;
  • Tertakluk kepada kuota yang diluluskan oleh JTKSM;
  • Pematuhan kepada syarat-syarat penggajian pekerja asing sedia ada seperti bayaran levi, kelayakan pas dan sebagainya; DAN
  • Tidak berada dalam Senarai Disyaki dan Senarai Hitam.


Terbuka kepada warga asing seperti berikut:

  • Pemegang Pas Lawatan Sosial (PLS), Pas Lawatan Kerja Sementara (PLKS) termasuk Pembantu Rumah Asing yang melakukan kesalahan di bawah Seksyen 15(1)(c) iaitu tinggal lebih masa di bawah Akta Imigresen 1959/63 pada atau sebelum 31 Disember 2020;
  • Pemegang PLKS yang melakukan kesalahan melanggar syarat pas di bawah Peraturan 39(b) Peraturan-Peraturan Imigresen 1963 yang pasnya masih sah pada atau sebelum 31 Disember 2020.
  • Bukan pemegang PLKS yang dilaporkan lari daripada majikan;
  • Hanya daripada 15 negara sumber SAHAJA (Thailand, Kemboja, Nepal, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Filipina, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Turksmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, India dan Indonesia);
  • Tidak berada dalam Senarai Disyaki dan Senarai Hitam;
  • Mempunyai dokumen perjalanan negara asal yang masih sah laku sekurang-kurangnya 18 bulan; DAN
  • Mempunyai slip keputusan negatif bagi ujian COVID-19 yang dibuat dalam tempoh tiga (3) hari sebelum tarikh janji temu.

Berapakah kos yang perlu dibayar bagi program ini?

Deposit: RM 500.00 setiap pekerja asing

Kompaun: RM 1,500.00 setiap pekerja asing

Lain-lain bayaran:

  • Insuran
  • Pemeriksaan FOMEMA ;
  • Levi;
  • Pemprosesan;
  • PLKS; dan
  • Visa

Kaedah pembayaran adalah secara kad kredit dan kad debit SAHAJA. Pembayaran secara TUNAI tidak diterima.

Bilakah jangka masa / tempoh Program ini dilaksanakan?

Program ini dilaksanakan mulai 16 November 2020 sehingga 30 Jun 2021 31 Dis 2021.

Adakah program ini melibatkan vendor atau pihak ketiga?

Program ini dijalankan sepenuhnya oleh Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia (JIM) / Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Semenanjung Malaysia (JTKSM) tanpa penglibatan vendor atau pihak ketiga.

Pemohon juga perlu melayari laman web Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Semenanjung Malaysia (JTKSM) bagi mendapatkan maklumat berkenaan urusan-urusan di bawah jabatan tersebut termasuk kuota pekerja asing yang dipohon. Majikan diminta untuk terus memohon kuota di JTKSM tanpa perlu menunggu tarikh janji temu di JIM diperolehi.

Tarikh Kemaskini : 14 November 2020

English: PATI Recalibration Program Frequently Asked Questions

中文: 非法外劳重聘 / 漂白计划常见问题

Malaysia Foreign Workers Rehiring is launching soon started from 16 November 2020, please fill up the form below and we will notify you when the program is available. You have missed 6P program in 2011 and rehiring program in 2014, this could be your last time to legalised your foreign workers. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0

Enquiry Form For Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0
  • Tell us which industry are you from?
  • Please stated what kind of products & services you are dealing with. ie Manufacturing - Food.
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently?
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently want to register for rehiring program?
  • If you are a foreign workers, tell us which country are you from.
    If you are Malaysian employers, please stated your workers' country origin.
  • Please write down the requirements, issue and problem (if any) you encountered and would like to seek professional opinions from us.
    Tell us how do you found us and our website.
  • Please let us know the convenience time to contact you to discuss further.

Kerajaan Malaysia Lancar Pelan Rekalibrasi Untuk Pendatang Asing Bermula 16 Nov 2020

Malaysia Government has announced Recalibration program 2.0, please read the latest info here: 
👉 FAQs’ For Recalibration Program (RTK 2.0) 2023

Kerajaan Malaysia telah mengumumkan Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023), sila baca maklumat terkini di sini:
👉Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja 2.0 (2023)

马来西亚政府宣布重新校准计划 2.0,请在这里阅读最新信息:
👉 重置劳工计划2.0常见问题

Kerajaan Malaysia melancarkan Pelan Rekalibrasi Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin (PATI) merangkumi dua komponen utama

1) Program Rekalibrasi Pulang dan
2) Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja

yang akan dilaksanakan bermula 16 Nov 2020 hingga 30 Jun 2021 31 Dis 2021 kepada pendatang tanpa izin yang ada di negara ini.


Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin berkata Program Rekalibrasi Pulang merupakan program yang membenarkan PATI untuk pulang ke negara asal secara sukarela tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat tertentu yang ditetapkan.

Program Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja pula menjadikan PATI yang ada di negara ini sebagai pekerja asing yang sah, digajikan oleh majikan yang layak, tertakluk kepada syarat ketat yang diputuskan oleh kerajaan melalui Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia dan Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Semenanjung Malaysia, katanya.

“Kita masih membeku kemasukan pekerja asing baharu ke Malaysia dan ia masih diteruskan.

“Pelan ini adalah untuk pendatang tanpa izin dalam negara dan jika mereka ingin bekerja secara sah boleh, dan kalau ingin pulang ke negara asal juga boleh. Kita beri tempoh sehingga 30 Jun 31 Dis 2021,” katanya ketika melancarkan Pelan Rekalibrasi PATI itu di Kementerian Dalam Negeri, di sini hari ini.

Hamzah berkata Pelan Rekalibrasi PATI itu akan dilaksanakan oleh Jabatan Imigresen (JIM) dengan kerjasama strategik Jabatan Tenaga Kerja Semenanjung Malaysia (JTKSM) serta agensi-agensi kerajaan yang lain tanpa penglibatan vendor atau pihak ketiga.

Menerusi pelan itu Hamzah berkata kerajaan dijangka memperoleh kutipan hasil sebanyak RM95 juta daripada kompaun serta bayaran lain yang dikenakan terhadap pendatang tanpa izin dan majikan.

“Dalam landskap ekonomi yang tidak menentu akibat penularan pandemik COVID-19, kerajaan telah membuat timbang tara yang strategik terhadap pelan ini dengan menilai kesan positif serta kesan negatif pelaksanaannya,” katanya.

Pertimbangan turut diberikan dari aspek keperluan untuk mengumpulkan data taburan serta demografi PATI di Malaysia bagi tujuan penguatkuasaan yang menyeluruh seperti digariskan dalam Pelan Holistik Penguatkuasaan PATI yang diperkenalkan kerajaan sejak awal tahun ini.

“Pendataan PATI boleh diselaraskan melalui maklumat yang dikemukakan oleh PATI dan majikan semasa pendaftaran program ini,” katanya.

Hamzah memberi jaminan penawaran program tenaga kerja kepada PATI sedia ada di Malaysia tidak akan menggugat pasaran serta peluang pekerjaan dalam kalangan rakyat tempatan.

“Peluang pekerjaan kepada pekerja tempatan adalah terjamin tertakluk kepada dasar penetapan nisbah pekerja tempatan dan pekerja asing yang berkuat kuasa ketika ini,” katanya menambah kerajaan sentiasa mengutamakan rakyat tempatan bagi mengisi kekosongan tenaga kerja dalam semua sektor ekonomi.


Menjelas lanjut, Hamzah berkata empat sektor iaitu pembinaan, perkilangan, perladangan dan pertanian dibenarkan mengambil pendatang tanpa izin untuk bekerja dalam tempoh pelaksanaan Pelan Rekalibrasi PATI.

“Buat masa ini, hanya majikan yang beroperasi dalam empat sektor yang bersifat 3D iaitu dangerous, difficult dan dirty (kotor, bahaya dan sukar) dibenarkan untuk mengambil PATI sebagai pekerja,” katanya sambil menambah pelan itu hanya untuk PATI dari 15 negara sumber seperti Thailand, Kemboja, Nepal, Myanmar dan Bangladesh.

Hamzah berkata satu Jawatankuasa Pemandu Pelaksanaan Pelan Rekalibrasi PTI telah ditubuhkan dengan diketuai oleh Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) Datuk Wan Ahmad Dahlan Abdul Aziz.

Jawatankuasa itu dianggotai oleh pelbagai agensi seperti Kementerian Sumber Manusia (KSM), JIM, JTKSM serta beberapa agensi berkaitan yang berperanan untuk memantau dan mengawal selia pelaksanaan Pelan Rekalibrasi PATI.


Jawatankuasa Khas bagi membincangkan hal ehwal pekerja asing yang dipengerusikan bersama antara Menteri Dalam Negeri dan Menteri Sumber Manusia pula akan bermesyuarat setiap tiga bulan, katanya.

Jawatankuasa Khas peringkat menteri itu turut membincangkan keperluan untuk meluaskan Pelan Rekalibrasi PATI kepada sektor-sektor lain kelak dan dasar berkaitan ekspatriat. Mesyuarat pertama jawatankuasa ini dijadualkan pada 3 Dis 2020, katanya. 

KDN dan KSM bersetuju untuk mengintegrasi dan berkongsi data bagi menguruskan hal ehwal pekerja asing termasuklah penyeragaman pembayaran gaji melalui satu system e-wages yang sama dan perkara itu akan dibincangkan dalam mesyuarat jawatankuasa khas peringkat menteri akan datang, katanya.

“Majikan wajar mengambil peluang pelaksanaan pelan ini untuk mendaftarkan PATI sedia ada di negara ini sebagai sumber tenaga kerja di semua sektor ekonomi yang terlibat,” kata Hamzah.

Turut hadir ialah Menteri Sumber Manusia Datuk Seri M. Saravanan dan Ketua Pengarah Imigresen Datuk Khairul Dzaimee Daud.

English: Malaysia Government Launch Illegal Immigrant Recalibration Plan (Rehiring Program / Legalisation Program) From Nov 16 2020

中文: 2020年11月16日至2021年6月30日遣返或漂白非法外劳

Sumber Berita & Gambar: BERNAMA

Malaysia Foreign Workers Rehiring is launching soon started from 16 November 2020, please fill up the form below and we will notify you when the program is available. You have missed 6P program in 2011 and rehiring program in 2014, this could be your last time to legalised your foreign workers. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0

Enquiry Form For Malaysia Foreign Workers Program Recalibration 2.0
  • Tell us which industry are you from?
  • Please stated what kind of products & services you are dealing with. ie Manufacturing - Food.
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently?
  • Please enter a value between 1 and 999.
    How many foreign workers working in your organization currently want to register for rehiring program?
  • If you are a foreign workers, tell us which country are you from.
    If you are Malaysian employers, please stated your workers' country origin.
  • Please write down the requirements, issue and problem (if any) you encountered and would like to seek professional opinions from us.
    Tell us how do you found us and our website.
  • Please let us know the convenience time to contact you to discuss further.